Friday, December 30, 2011

:: nye preparations ::

HA! That post title implies that I have super grand New Years Eve plans, doesn't it? I so don't.

I'm going to be home at midnight on December 31. In my house. Relaxing. I won't have a funky, Middle Eastern strain of flu (see NYE 2010). And I won't be frantically spending the day trying to find the perfect outfit for a party I don't want to attend (all, good things).

So today I opened a bottle of bubbly for the purpose of taking an early NYE "festivities" test drive (pretend, for a moment, that I don't sip sparkling wine frequently).

It was the right thing to do.

In the process, I pulled out my camera, as I regularly do ... and it struck me that, to some, I may come across as her--that nutty woman who photographs her cat, as if he's her child. Fuck. I swear I'm not that person. It was simply a poignant moment in which Jaxson (feline) appeared to be as interested in my wine as was I (my baby loves to dunk his paw into my glass).

So I snapped his photo.

I'm not that person.

It's going to be a good year. I can feel it.

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