Saturday, January 9, 2010

no soup for you

I said I was going to "cook" today.

I sorta kinda did, but it ended up being a laughable effort . . . I threw together one of my all-time favorites: Taco Soup.

So quintessentially lame--I'll be the very first to admit it. But it's cold, and I needed some culinary nurturing. And with my new twenty-ten work schedule (8:30-4:30 daily [oy! not something I've done in quite some time!]), I wanted a pot o' leftovers.

Not only is Taco Soup easy, warm, and TDF, it's a low-cal/low-fat no-brainer. Just thow all of the ingredients in a slow-cooker, and forget about it for a couple of hours. Perfection.

I also grabbed a Chardonnay I had not previously sampled. Somehow it called to me, though I'm not exactly sure why (HA!). Over the past six months or so, I've been doing reds almost exclusively; but this particular pale-graped guy was the perfect companion to my poor-[wo]man's soup.

Cheers, to cold winter nights, hot soup, and feel-good wine.